Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wrapping Paper

Wrapping paper is used in all seasons to conseal a special suprise for a friend or family member. Wrapping paper comes in all different colors, textures, and designs. Similar to wrapping paper, people have outer apearences that can change the world's reaction to the person themselves. I recently recieved a very expensive item that I appreciate very much, my ipod. My ipod as great and as useful as it is it was rapped in some facial tissue and handed to me by my mom. Though the material and wrapping style was a little less than impressive I still appreciated that gift that took alot of effort to get. If the wrapping on a present doesn't matter why should the outer appearence on a person matter. Try to look past a person's wrapping paper and really know the person.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's so hard to look past that outer layer but it's is almost always totally worth it! One of my goals is to be more like Jesus in this area he had no problems taking off the wrapping paper.
